Monday, 23 July 2012

Do Numbing Creams Really Help Men Last Longer In Bed?

Numbing creams have become quite popular amongst men ever since it was developed and sold to the public. The reason for this is the help that it is said to provide for men that have problems with premature ejaculation. Now, if you are someone that has never tried these numbing creams out before, it is only natural that you would be a bit doubtful about their effectiveness. First off, they do work because they are able to null your senses a bit when it comes to sexual pleasures. However, it is very important to keep in mind that there are drawbacks as well.

The main drawback of using numbing creams is the minimized sexual pleasures that you are going to have. That is pretty much the aim of these creams though and if you are not comfortable with such an idea, then you may as well avoid it. Another possible drawback of these creams is getting allergies. We all know that each of us has certain things that we are allergic to. It is very possible that the numbing cream you are using or will use, may contain ingredients that can cause allergic reactions within your body. It is highly recommended that you check the ingredients of the numbing cream you are planning to use and make sure that there are no ingredients that you are allergic to.

Ultimately, if you do not want to use numbing creams just to last longer in bed, you may as well go for a more natural approach. For example, instead of using creams, you can develop better pleasure tolerance by masturbating and controlling your climax. Apart from that, you can also do some Kegel exercises and boost your control on your orgasms as well. You can learn more about such techniques if you visit this backlink now.

Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

If you experience premature ejaculation while you are making love with your woman, then you really need to be worried. It is because not satisfying your woman’s needs in bed is actually a really unmanly thing to do. The worst part is, leaving your woman unsatisfied after a sexual intercourse can pose some potential complications in your relationship in the future. This is not to say that women really care about having their own orgasm that much, but it would be a lot of added points for you if you can make her reach it.

Preventing premature ejaculation is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is to find a way to relax your body or to strengthen your PC muscles. It could give you more control over your orgasms and help you last longer in bed.

One of the most effective techniques that could help men stop premature ejaculation is by doing the Kegel Exercise. This kind of exercise is very simple to do, and in fact, you can do it anytime and anywhere that you want. If you have been doing the Kegel Exercise extensively you will be able to strengthen your PC muscles, thus giving you more control over your orgasms. Another really great benefit of Kegel exercise aside from making you last longer in bed is that it makes your orgasms more pleasurable than before. If you want to read more about the Kegel Exercise, all you need to do is to read the best blog about lasting longer in bed by clicking- correlated blog.

Here are other quick tips on preventing premature ejaculation for men:
 • Don’t mind the tension and excitement that you feel.
 • Find a position that makes you very relaxed.
 • Masturbate hours before having sex with a woman.
 • Put in some effort in the foreplay to insure that her vagina would be moist and well-expanded.

Just try these quick tips and you will be surprised with the results.